STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and RF (243)

| Today, entire systems are based around fully-featured bus architectures. A widespread industry standard ensures the long-term availability o...

| This is a submission from Pickering Interfaces on the appointment of Joe Woodford as International Sales and Partner Manager. He brings over...

| In days of yore before all PCs came with USB ports we were busy toggling pins on the PC’s parallel port and communicating via RS-232. Nowada...

| This is a submission from Pickering Interfaces on the launch of a low voltage output module ideal for simulating the operation of a thermoco...

| Some people go to great lengths to generate numbers that are as random as possible. In issue 3 of 2017, we published a design for a Truly Ra...

| A few years ago, Elektor published a 30-V, 3-A adjustable benchtop power supply dubbed UniLab2. To keep the total outlay down, it had a rath...

| Some people need a thousand words to say something simple and still you have no clue what they’re on about. Others manage to explain a compl...

| Belgian scientists have managed to hack a neurostimulator or ‘brain pacemaker’. They showed that it is possible to take control of the neuro...

| Each medal has a flip side; each mountain, a north-facing slope. The darkest side of YouTube's mass of videos is too often the bevy of rants...

| When you want to try out a new microcontroller or a peripheral device, you are often faced with the question of how to control it over an SP...