| Many circuits, extensions and modules for the Inter-IC-Communications (I²C) bus have appeared in this magazine over the past few years. Th...
| Many circuits, extensions and modules for the Inter-IC-Communications (I²C) bus have appeared in this magazine over the past few years. Th...
| This circuit imitates a small telephone exchange, allowing a PC to dial a Fax machine, and vice versa, without actuaIly making use of the...
| The Interface provides a link between a Casio organiser (Type SF5100, SF5300, or SF9300) and a personal computer.
| The Centronics interface available on almost any IBM PC or compatible lends itself to simple input/ output functions provided the drive c...
| Connecting a sensor to an A-D (analogue-to-digitall converter is not always as straightforward as may be expected. Often, an interface i...
| Practically all of today's computer systems are equipped with an RS232 interface. That trusty and widely known serial interface enables a...
| This is an RS232 extension card for the Universal I/O Interface for IBM PCs.The circuit is based on the COM81C17 UART (universal asynchro...
| The cable is by far the most widely used type of connection where electrical signals are to be exchanged between two pieces of equipment o...
| This little circuit is intended tor UHF transverters in combination with a 2-m band transceiver. It is simple to build and much cheaper th...
| Thermocouples are economical and rugged devices for temperature measurements. Because of their small size, they respond quickly, and are...