STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and Software (8)

| [Partner Content] The new solutions enable accurate physical-layer design verification of high-speed automotive serializer/deserializer inte...

| SD (software-defined) radio receivers use a bare minimum of hardware, relying instead on their software capabilities. This SDR project demon...

| Is it possible to use a microcontroller from the pre-USB era to fashion a USB device without using additional ICs? The designers set themsel...

| In the previous article we described the hardware necessary to enable a vehicle OBD system to communicate through the serial port of a PC. A...

| In recent issues we have regularly devoted attention to the DMX-512 system. Several construction projects have already been published, and m...

| The versatility of a CAN Bus system increases as more equipment of different types are connected to the Bus. Using the interface described h...

| No PC interface has attracted more attention in the electronics press, and caused hotter debates, than the RS-232 interface. It is unfortu...

| 5-24 — elektor may 1980 cassette interface for BASIC microcomputer II interface and software on one Eurocard No cassette interface is incl...