DownStream Webinar March 2025 (728x90)

All items tagged with interface and Touchless (5)

| In an effort to unglue people from their devices, computer scientists have developed a touchless interface. The gesture recognition system e...

| Este mês chegámos ao nosso 25º webinar e não podíamos estar mais satisfeitos com o tema deste novo evento! Produzido em colaboração com a el...

| We’ve reached our 25th webinar this month and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! In collaboration with element14, this month’...

by JW

| We’ve reached our 25th webinar this month and we couldn’t be more excited to share it with you! Made in collaboration with our partners elem...

| You can easily produce a Touchless Gesture Control interface that’s capable of reliably providing 3-dimensional co-ordinates (X, Y, and Z ax...