| If you've ever wanted to set up a wireless monitoring system in your vegetable garden but were discouraged by the complexity of creating a r...
| If you've ever wanted to set up a wireless monitoring system in your vegetable garden but were discouraged by the complexity of creating a r...
| Smart water meters have already been on the market for some time, but replacing our old meters is often not so easy, for technical or bureau...
| Use the power of your voice with the ESP32-S3 Box, the ultimate DIY companion for IoT projects!
| Discover the power of the ESP32-CAM, which combines Wi-Fi and Bluetooth capabilities with an onboard camera and easy programming. It's time...
| The declassification is complete! Download the full Espressif guest-edited Bonus Edition of Elektor Mag. You are sure to find inspiration on...
| Join us for another episode of Elektor Lab Talk on January 25, 2024. Editors Jens Nickel and Brian Tristam Williams will meet Jeroen Domburg...
| Discover the updated Arduino IoT water leak detector. It is smarter and more efficient, with advanced monitoring and alert systems for the m...
| The installation of a weather station usually requires the fitting of a set of dedicated sensors on the roof, which, for various reasons, is...
| Steliau Technology is an innovative company specializing in electronic solutions. The company stands out for its engineering expertise and p...
| As a world-renowned modular IoT development platform based on ESP32, M5Stack builds hundreds of controllers, sensors, actuators and communic...