STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about JOY-iT (25)

| The Joy-Car is an autonomous robot car based on the BBC micro:bit. It comes as a kit of parts and must be assembled by the user. No solderin...

| A good adjustable power supply should be part of every electronics workspace. It is as basic a tool as the multimeter. Let's consider the Jo...

| Looking for a simple-yet-useful multi-function tester? The Joy-IT LCR-T7 just might be the handy solution you need.

| Want to experiment with the Raspberry Pi? Joy-iT's Joy-Pi experimenter's kit simplifies the process of getting started with a Raspberry Pi 3...

| Looking for a simple-yet-useful multi-function tester? The JOY-iT LCR-T7 just might be the handy solution you need.

| Looking for an affordable DDS function generator? You already have a choice of various models for around €100. But then you mustn’t set your...

| Looking for an affordable DDS function generator? You already have a choice of various models for around €100. But then you mustn’t set your...

| In the past, every electronics technician had a function generator with an XR2206 in his (hobby) lab, but those days are long gone. Nowaday...

| Since its introduction over 25 years ago the USB port has become the de-facto standard for communications between a PC and its peripheral eq...

| A heavy-duty benchtop power supply from Joy-iT uses switched-mode digital regulation to provide a DC output supply in a range from 0-60 V a...