| A (hobby) electronics engineer needs at least two pieces of equipment to be able to work on an electronic circuit: a multimeter and a solder...
| A (hobby) electronics engineer needs at least two pieces of equipment to be able to work on an electronic circuit: a multimeter and a solder...
| This project allows you to log up to six temperature readings over a period of time, complete with time stamps, all written to a .csv file s...
| This stand-alone data logger displays pressure, temperature and humidity readings generated by I²C-bus sensors on an LCD panel, and can run...
| This stand-alone data logger displays pressure, temperature and humidity readings generated by I2C bus sensors on an LCD panel, and can run...
| Indoor / outdoor thermometerHere’s an indoor / outdoor thermometer using two DS18S20 detectors with a 2×16 character LCD display. The temper...
| The circuit described here and its accompanying BASCOM software arose from the need to control the temperature in a laminator. The laminator...
| LCD panel meters, temperature or event counter modules are readily available in many electronics retail shops at reasonable prices. Bu...
| Liquid crystal display (LCD) modules have grown in popularity over the past few years because they are easy to use and provide an attracti...