More about LCD (232)

| pH meter elektor march 1985 Determining the pH value of an aqueous solution is one of the more important measurements in inorganic chemistry...

| The LCD thermometer featured in the October 1982 issue was originally intended as an ambient temperature indicator. We don"t, of course, kno...

| . counts jumps too! For a change, here is a circuit which is primarily intended for sports people: it can count steps or jumps. From now on,...

| LCD luxmeter elektor march 1983 illumination indicated digitally efr4P4ii j "boy This is a new and up-to-date measuring instrument; it is co...

| 10-20 — elektor october 1982 L.C.D. thermometer The 7106 is a well known IC in the world of A/D converters, and was chosen for three main...

| 150 MHz frequency counter elektor january 1982 — 1-17 150 MIIIz frequency counter with 26 programmable offset modes The circuit described...

| 11-18 — elektor november 1981 LCD frequency counter c»eu~üffi- professional appearance and performance This is the first in a series of...

| 10-32 -- elektor october 1981 LCD panel meter Digital panel meters have one major snag and that is their "floating" input. This can cause pr...

| canned circuits bath thermometer elektor december 1980 — 12-07 circuits Earlier in the year readers were invited, in the form of a competi...

| 10-32 — elektor october 1980 LCD frequency counter Tuning scale with LCD A few years ago, building a digital tuning scale required printed...