STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Lidar (14)

| LiDARs are great devices for detecting obstacles and measuring distances. Here we use one for taking precise distance readings up to 12 mete...

| Lidar enables robots and other self-driving vehicles to detect obstacles around them without touching, providing much more freedom of moveme...

| Lidar enables robots and other self-driving vehicles to detect obstacles around them without touching, providing much more freedom of moveme...

| Interested in autonomous vehicles and LiDAR? Here is a cool video showing how to build an autonomous vehicle that finds its way around a roo...

| Distance sensors are great! They're generally a maker's first step towards creating a basic autonomous robot, but did you know that...

| The YDLidar X4 is a very affordable Lidar that is mainly intended for applications in robots. The software is targeted at Visual Studio 2010...

| Both Q2 2020 industry reports and helpful technical forecasts continue to roll in. This week, we update you about on a range of important to...

| The company YDLidar, founded in 2015, aims to develop LIDAR sensors "for the mass market." In this article, we are putting a TG15 LIDAR into...

| A Lidar-based precision gauge which can be used on Turbine floor to Pipe readings.

| A lidar differs from a radar in using light instead of radio waves to detect remote objects. As prices come down, lidars find use in applica...