STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with light and Car (22)

| The Dutch start-up Lightyear will develop an exclusive, 5-person, electric car powered from solar energy and with an operating range of 800...

| To fly is a wonderful thing and humanity has always gazed skyward with an envious eye at birds that soar effortlessly through the heavens. G...

| Exquisitely timed for the upcoming European Football Championship, OSRAM have released the LIGHT CHAMPION, a 12-V car headlamp that produces...

| Some time ago the author was asked about options for making a Drum Light for the Carnival festivities. The contraption should light up brigh...


| A friend asked me, how he could make a Drum Light for the coming carnival, which would light up, everytime he slams the drum and therefore g...

| With the help of just a handful of components you can create a blue flashing light for use in model ambulances or police cars. Two blue LEDs...

| The author set to work equipping a model car with realistic indicators, headlights, tail lights and brake lights. The basic idea was to tap...

| The free 13.56MHz RFID smart card given away with this issue is designed around the Mifare Ultralight IC (MF0 IC 01), the smallest member of...

| This circuit belongs to the ‘car modding’ category. This is similar to the popular case modding in the computer world and has found its way...

| Most cars do not have delayed interior lights. The circuit presented can put this right. It switches the interior lights of a car on and...