All items tagged with light and oscillator (11)


| On discovering that my previous design based on a blocking oscillator and diac strobe pulser was a bit heavy on the battery, it seemed about...

| The circuit shown here is formed of nine inverting transistor amplifier stages connected in series with an LED connected between emitter and...

| Here’s a recipe to make LEDs produce slow, continuous light effects rather than abrupt changes normally obtained from square-wave drive sign...

| In the July/August 2004 issue we published a flickering light for use in models that uses a microcontroller to minimise the component count....

| This simple and cheap circuit is not just for Christmas! There are just two resistors, a small-signal transistor such as a BC547, one ‘flash...

| The Type HA7210 IC from Harris Semiconductor is an integrated low power crystal oscillator that can be programmed extremely to generate...

| EE July/August 1986 34 We all sometimes wish that some of the switches around the home were just a little easier to locate and operate, nota...

| 1110011111041111 A novel use of solar cells makes pos- itioning your car in the garage rather easier than old tyres, a mirror, or a chalk ma...

| switches itself on (and off) This circuit forms a switch that can be triggered on (or off) at the onset of darkness and remain active for a...

| Elektor has lost track of the number of running light circuits that have seen the light on its pages in recent years. There must have been a...