STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Magnetic and Car (5)

| To help get Elektor readers up and running with this latest NFC technology we have arranged, together with STMicroelectronics, to give away...

| The free 13.56MHz RFID smart card given away with this issue is designed around the Mifare Ultralight IC (MF0 IC 01), the smallest member of...

| Digitising analogue sound media like vinyl records and magnetic tapes is a simple matter if you have a reasonably fast multimedia PC. After...

| Credit cards, Eurocheque cards, other types of bank cards and car park tickets: even if many of these cards contain chips, they all have mag...

| 7-72 - elektor july/august 1982 Preamplifiers for magnetic cartridges suffer from one major problem: Their own noise. This additional noise...