Themed edition EN 728x90

All items tagged with Magnetic and Circuit (7)

| Troubleshooting coffee machines with hidden magnets? Powered by AAA batteries and a Hall sensor, this simple magnet finder lights the way. L...

| Here are some new integrated circuit transducers for AC and DC isolated current measurement up to 300 KHz that offer full isolation, despite...

| If you’re short of inputs on your amplifier, but it has an input for a magnetic pickup with RIAA correction, this very simple project will l...

| The object of this circuit is turn the domestic lighting on and off in complete safety in a room with very high humidity. A detector, flush-...

| There are very many switching regulator ICs for reducing a dc voltage. In the ‘step-down’ operating mode, an internal switch connects the in...

| Have you ever designed a printer circuit board for a project, especially a high-frequency RF one, only to find that when you have built th...

| Many small and older cars are not provided with a rev counter, which is a pity, because this instrument is veryuseful tor driving with tue...