STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Magnetic and Contactless (6)

| To help get Elektor readers up and running with this latest NFC technology we have arranged, together with STMicroelectronics, to give away...

| Based on a patented Hall effect technology this new sensor enables for the first time true non-contacting through-hole shaft sensing using s...

| Integrated Device Technology has released what is said to be the world’s smallest 2W contactless-charging power receiver chip. In the future...

by MC

| Contactless charging of mobile devices is more convenient than fiddling around with power adapters, plugs and cables but the transmit and re...

| Operating on power harvested from an NFC reader's RF field, the AS3953 NFiC near field communication interface chip requires no external...

| The free 13.56MHz RFID smart card given away with this issue is designed around the Mifare Ultralight IC (MF0 IC 01), the smallest member of...