STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Magnetic and Elektor (6)

| Coils and transformers are integral to the field of electronics. The Professional Lab Power Supply project featured in the September 2014 ed...

| To help get Elektor readers up and running with this latest NFC technology we have arranged, together with STMicroelectronics, to give away...

by JW

| 10% OFF for Elektor GREEN and GOLD Members!

| Do you worry about electromagnetic pollution? Wireless is cool, especially because it works without wires. On the other hand, Wi-Fi, Bluetoo...

| This highly educational gadget is a gyroscope that shows a text on a string of LEDs when you spin it, with the earth's magnetic field us...

| The free 13.56MHz RFID smart card given away with this issue is designed around the Mifare Ultralight IC (MF0 IC 01), the smallest member of...