STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Magnetic and Gerber (8)

| The object of this circuit is turn the domestic lighting on and off in complete safety in a room with very high humidity. A detector, flush-...


| The circuit described in this article is incredibly sensitive to changes in the magnetic field. It can be used to detect earthquakes, but it...

| UK mobile telephony providers are busy rolling out their nationwide 3G network for UMTS. According to a cautious estimate, it will eventuall...

| The debate concerning the possible harmful effects of electrical and magnetic alternating fields in our environment goes on. The only thing...

| How do you know accurately if a magnet is stronger or weaker than one you’ve dubbed your reference device? This simple to build instrument h...

| Surveys show that people are feeling increasingly less safe. Consequently, protecting property and buildings receives more and more attentio...

| There are various types of remote-control extenders. Many of them use an electrical or electromagnetic link to carry the signal from one roo...

| Credit cards, Eurocheque cards, other types of bank cards and car park tickets: even if many of these cards contain chips, they all have mag...