STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Magnetic and Switch (10)

| Imagine you have two pieces of a magnetic latch and switch sensor in a three-pin package. What do you get when you combine the two devices i...

| A new magnetic sensing device delivers switch and latch functions, but unlike existing products it can determine the presence of magnetic fi...

| Texas Instruments has introduced three analog-input class-D stereo amplifiers for use in soundbars, after-market automotive solutions, porta...

| The object of this circuit is turn the domestic lighting on and off in complete safety in a room with very high humidity. A detector, flush-...

| How often does it happen that you close down Windows and then forget to turn off the computer? This circuit does that automatically. After W...

| This circuit uses a step-up switch-mode regulator, which is usually used to produce a positive supply, to generate a regulated negative outp...

| This proximity switch employs a reed switch as the sensor device and the good old CD4017 decade counter for pulse processing. When the circu...

| There are very many switching regulator ICs for reducing a dc voltage. In the ‘step-down’ operating mode, an internal switch connects the in...

| Nowadays, there is a whole series of switching regulator ICs that work according to the step-up principle and thus convert the input voltage...

| It is an undeniable fact that electric and magnetic fields affect living organisms. How strong a field the human body can withstand withou...