All items tagged with MIDI and Synthesizer (10)

| Meet Sam Battle from "Look Mum No Computer"! The well-known musician and YouTuber joined Elektor Engineering insights to discuss vintage sy...

| About 35 years after its introduction the MIDI communication protocol that lets musical instruments talk to each other has finally gotten a...

| The "REMI" is an electronic wind instrument (EWI) with recorder-like fingering scheme. The design has evolved over the last few years and is...

| After the 4-way B-Bender for Telecaster guitar, worked with pedals controlled by an Arduino, here is another invention from the same musicia...


| This is a port of the Soulsby Atmegatron 8-bit monophonic synthesizer to the Elektor J2B LPC1343 ARM Cortex-M3 board. The Atmegatron is quit...

| When you’re playing a piece of music and you need a simple ‘backbeat’ this circuit will come to the rescue.The MIDI Step sequencer drives a...

| Early 1995, Yamaha introduced a new range of synthesizers with interesting interface capabilities. For the first time, these machines were c...

| Using a keyboard and mouse to operate the innumerable knobs and sliders of a PC mixing board can turn playing around with a sound synthesize...

| With the introduction and general proliferation of the Soundblaster card and its derivatives, almost any PC can be beefed up with a number...

| Although the MIDI-to-CV interface was described fully in our February 1991 issue,it was though that some additional notes might prove usefu...