STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about MikroElektronika (5)

| MikroElektronika (MIKROE) has introduced a ground-breaking innovation called Planet Debug, the industry’s first hardware-as-a-service platfo...

| Hexiwear is a wearable development kit for the Internet of Things era. A small and sleek, low-power device packed with sensors to quantify y...

| Analog System Lab Kit PRO is a 14-step learning-by-experimenting program in analog electronics. It provides students with a solid and engagi...

| Hexiwear is a wearable development kit for the Internet of Things era. A small and sleek, low-power device packed with sensors to quantify y...

| Creator Ci40 Kit is an Internet of Things (IoT) kit intended to get you quickly up and running with connected applications. The board has at...