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| Microchip announces a new family of dsPIC33CK 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers (DSC) which provides system designers with Digital Signal Pr...

| The electronics industry is always in flux. Let's briefly review the latest news on mergers and acquisitions. Various outlets reported this...

| Since the news broke about Apple dropping Imagination Technologies’ PowerVR graphical engine from future i-devices, the latter is struggling...

| I think of times we were together, As time went on it seemed forever, Times have changed now things are better, Someone had to pay the pr...

| Jan Buiting from Elektor TV bombarded Lucio Di Jasio, Business Development Manager at Microchip. with questions rephrasing some of your majo...

| Creator Ci40 Kit is an Internet of Things (IoT) kit intended to get you quickly up and running with connected applications. The board has at...

| Japanese Softbank, one of the largest technology companies in the world, is determined to buy ARM Holding, the company that designs the micr...

| The new PIC32MM family, currently Microchip’s lowest power 32-bit PIC32 family, features sleep modes down to as little as 500 nA. Filling th...

| The low-cost I3 Series SoC announced by Ineda Systems Inc achieves a minuscule 29 µA/MHz power consumption in active mode. The target applic...

| A few days ago we informed you about the Atmel takeover by Dialog Semiconductor. The deal was almost completed when an anonymous bidder ente...