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| Join Microchip and Elektor for the webinar, "Rapid Prototyping Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Android Apps using MIT App Inventor." Learn about...

| Both Q2 2020 industry reports and helpful technical forecasts continue to roll in. This week, we update you about on a range of important to...

| Electronics-related research and innovation continues despite the Covid-19 crisis. For instance, MIT engineers have developed a new type of...

| “The aim is to scale up at the global level by using open hardware designs.” This message comes from Professor Neil Gershenfeld, Director of...

| With the compliments of the Elektor Labs and Editorial teams, and our best wishes for the new year, here comes another previously unpublishe...

| Many projects with a microcontroller inside have to display something. In the past, 2-line text displays were common and sufficient, but tod...

| Researchers at MIT have developed a microprocessor based on carbon nanotube transistors. They were able to drastically limit defects and pro...

| Researchers at MIT are working on a new way for self-driving cars to navigate around unfamiliar areas by getting the control algorithm to mi...

| A PiCAN 2 HAT provides your Raspberry Pi with full CAN-Bus capability: CAN v2.0B at 1 Mb/s and high-speed (10 MHz) SPI Interface. It uses th...

| This is a submission from Rutronik Elektronische Bauelemente GmbH. The company was honored by “Arbeit für Menschen mit Behinderung gGmbH” (A...