All items tagged with monitor and light (9)

| Destructive) recycling is undoubtedly necessary for future generations to suffer as little as possible from present-day excesses in consumpt...

| The ignition warning light in a car indicates whether the battery is being charged or not (and indeed whether it is connected properl...

| The Highway Code and Road Traffic Act stimulate that before starring a journey in his/her car a driver must verify that all the ear's Ii...

| The delay circuit ensures that a car's intertor light remains on for about five seconds after all the doors have been closed. This enable...

| 003 CAR ELECTRONICS A defect car light is at best a nuisance and at worst a danger. Fortunately, most new cars are equipped with suitable mo...

| 21 1 car lights monitor L3 = 20turns M van Oosten Ll = 1 Burns L2 = 1 Burns Many traffic accidents are caused by failing car lights. Often,...

| elektor July august 1985 it+044.1 11 brake lights monitor R Kambach The circuit described below monitors your car"s brake lights, and indica...

| audio traffic light elektor march 1983 What has a traffic light got to do with audio? Nothing, really, but this particular circuit drives th...

| Even though car dashboards are beginning to resemble the control panels inside a cockpit, it is surprising how many LEDs are in fact totally...