STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Music and Audio (7)

| Meet Sam Battle from "Look Mum No Computer"! The well-known musician and YouTuber joined Elektor Engineering insights to discuss vintage sy...

| Practically any amateur musician will be familiar with the old-fashioned mechanical metronome and its nice ‘double tick’ sound. Here were pr...

| Many people today use earbuds to listen to music while participating in sports such as cycling or jogging. However, earbuds are sometimes in...

| As a perfect complement to the articles in this month’s Supplement, this Electronics On-Line page is devoted to making your own music CDs...

| With the present prices of CD burners and CD-R discs, making your own audio CDs with your own choice of music is an attractive possibility...

| Since the immensely successful introduction of the music compact disc, all things digitized are much sought after. In spite of the only...

| This is the first instalment of an article that describes a highend slide control system based on a Centronics-driven dissolve unit for fo...