STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Nixie (40)

| Meet Keri Szafir, an electronics engineer from Gdańsk, Poland, and discover her unique electronics workspace, where she pursues her passion...

| Alexander Pozhitkov is a California-based scientist with a home workspace designed for thinking "outside the black box." When he is away fro...

by cvdo

| Dekatrons are gas filled counting tubes dating from the fifties. For a short period in history, they were used as counters and memory cells...

| Near-sighted people know the problem all too well: reading the time during the night is difficult or even impossible without first putting o...

| Peter Evans is a London-based engineer and Elektor reader interested in analog technology, electronics repair, and working with Arduino and...

| Nixie tubes are always fascinating. Nowadays they are mostly used for clock displays, such as the project in the May/June 2016 issue of Elek...

| Nixie night clock with alarm with motion sensor to show the time during the night

| The Six Digit Nixie Clock we published in Mai 2016 was greeted with a lot of enthusiasm. One of its users, F1Andy, posted a design for an up...

| This glowing new bargraph thermometer from Elektor Labs is based on an Arduino Nano. It offers a beautiful graphical representation of ambie...

| Although Elektor Magazine and their Labs have been relatively slow to jump the bandwagon called retro & vintage electronics, and specificall...