More about OLED (20)

| You can use simple LED indicators to show the status of an application you are developing using an IoT board but you can convey so much more...

| Researchers working at the University of Cambridge have achieved a new efficiency record for perovskite-based LEDs comparable to the best or...

| A colour OLED can massively enhance a project; the integrated control chips can be addressed via SPI. Cheap 32-bit controllers, advanced lib...

| The march of technology is relentless; no sooner had we become used to LCDs when along came improved versions offering LED back-lighting, OL...


| The Inter Integrated Circuits bus, better known as I²C bus, was developed by Philips in the 1980s to connect a microprocessor or microcontro...

| A tiny I2C-bus scanner with a nice tiny graphic OLED display and an AVR ATtiny44.

| Hexiwear is a wearable development kit for the Internet of Things era. A small and sleek, low-power device packed with sensors to quantify y...

| Data glasses present data to the user’s eyes by means of a small display. Unfortunately, the display and associated drive circuitry consume...

| HP has announced at the CES in Las Vegas, USA, among other things, that their Spectre 360 13.3” hybrid laptop can be supplied with a QHD OLE...

| Organic electronics has made enormous progress since it was first discovered that organic molecules can act as electrical conductors. Now Ja...