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| Switching on inductive loads, such as transformers, causes a very high initial current, because at that instant, the load does not produ...

| Many counter ICs on the market, such as the 4059, 40102 and 40103, are specifically designed for use as programmable timers of dividers....

| The sensitivity of the human ear vs frequency characteristic its not a straight here. Our hearing is much less sensitive to low frequenc...

| Quartz crystals are ground by the manufacturers to oscillate either on the fundamental frequency or on one of the odd harmonics (overton...

| It is not two well-known that If the characteristics of the two transistors making up a multivibrator are near-identical, it is very dif...

| Occasionally, an ideal fullwave rectifier is required, for example inadynamie compressor where switching thresholds and non-linear behav...

| The meter can measure the spacing between the trailing edges of not fewer than two, or more than, rune pulses in a train, The number of...

| This unit is intended as an add-on for the many lead acid battery chargers that have no charge indicator. A green LED shows that the bat...

| Most modern video units are provided with an S-VHS or Y /C output. This output furnishes the black-and-white information (luminance or Y...

| The mains-synchronised oscillator has certain advantages over a simple zero crossing detector. For instance, the brief failing of input p...