| Switching transistors are usually driven into saturation. which has an adverse effeet on the switching speed. This effect is eliminated,o...
| Switching transistors are usually driven into saturation. which has an adverse effeet on the switching speed. This effect is eliminated,o...
| A type 555 timer and some passive components can provide a small converter to provide a negative output of 12 V at a few milliamperes.
| The overload indicator consists of a window comparator that measures the magnitude of an a.f. signal. Two of the opamps contained in an T...
| Siemens' Type SLB0586A IC enables the simple construction of a dimmer with touch control. Used in conjunction with a Type TIC2060 triac,...
| The power supply for this analogue circuit that affords delays of 330 seconds is taken directly from the mains. The direct voltage at the...
| Binary-coded-decimal (thumb-wheel) switches are not only relatively expensive, but are also often not available to the wanted specificati...
| The wide frequency range, low power consumption and well-defined switching levels of HCMOS inverters make these devices emlnently suited t...
| Rectifying the buzzer signal on a telephone line results in a voltage that may be used to switch one or more loads, for instance, a light...
| This circuit has been designed primarily for use with valve amplifiers. When the arnplifier is switched on, filament voltage is supplied...
| Some video cameras have a socket for a remote control unit. It appears, however that it is not always easy to connect an interval-contral...