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| The circuit in the diagram is intended for synchronous, wireless triggering of one or more slave flash units when the mother flash is tr...

| The timer is intended to actuate an apparatus for a predetermined period of time, for instance, an ultra-violet exposure unit or a photo...

| Motorola's Type TLC2201 low-noise precision opamp is probably not the best-known amplifier made in LinCMOS technology, but it is certain...

| A voltage regulator with properties like low voltage drop, 1 A current, protected against reversal and voltagepeaks up to 60 V, inexpens...

| Keeping your car battery constantly charged when the car is not in use appreciably increases the life of the battery. Charging is, of co...

| This electronic switch is designed to be connected direct to the mains, which obviates a low-voltage supply and so keeps the cost and sp...

| This simple circuit, based on a single opamp in non-inverting mode, is a precision rectifier extension for digital voltmeters. The circu...

| The tester in the diagram can be used to test virtually any kind of semiconductor device, ranging from switching diodes to power transis...

| Many model train enthusiasts find the mechanical reversing system for trains in the HO series from Märklin and other manufacturers primi...

| The all-solid-stäte preamplifier we published some months ago is controlled entirely electronically, including the switching of the input...