STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about phone (277)

by ReBo

| The Quectel M95FA GSM/GPRS shield cannot be used with the Arduino Uno without some (easy, but neccessary) hardware modifications.

by ReBo

| The Quectel M95FA GSM/GPRS shield cannot be used with the Arduino Uno without some (easy, but neccessary) hardware modifications.

| Take control remotely by sending SMS text messages. Up to four relays can switch a heater, lights, and/or pumps. An optional temperature sen...

| Build your own SMS Remote Control with an Atmega328 at 16 Mhz and a SIM800L EVB, Arduino code. PCB gerber files included. Two codes availab...

| Telephones of the 50s and 70s with a dial plate become full functional wireless devices.

| The coronavirus crisis is affecting various segments of electronics industry in different ways. For instance, while global smartphone shipme...

| Even though today's computers, tablets and smartphones are capable of producing ultra high-quality digital audio, it's left to cheap digital...

| This is a submission from Keysight. Vanchip Technologies has selected their 5G test solutions to accelerate performance validation of their...

| This is a submission from Keysight Technologies on their collaboration with Black Shark Technology to accelerate the launch of flagship 5G g...

| The dark side of technology is receiving increasingly more attention. The resistance to fake news, filter bubbles and smartphone addiction i...