STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with phone and Circuit (7)

| iCircuit is a user-friendly electronic circuit simulator and editor billed as ideal for students, hobbyists and engineers. Its advanced simu...

| This is a very simple and cheap device that demonstrates mobile phones (US: 'cell phones') generate RF energy (radio waves) strong e...

| This circuit imitates a small telephone exchange, allowing a PC to dial a Fax machine, and vice versa, without actuaIly making use of the...

| On much audio equipment, the headphone output is simply derived from the loudspeaker output via a series resistor: not a very elegant desi...

| The switching unit described here is capable of controlling up to seven mains-powered loads with the aid of commands received via telephon...

| Those of you who like the telephone bell louder may find 'this circuit of Interest: It uses the telephone bell signal to actuate an 08·-...

| This automatical telephone answering unit, designed by ELV GmbH, uses a 256-Kbit voice recording circuit to store and replay your spoken m...