STM32N6 Webinar (728x90)

All items tagged with phone and Wireless (9)

by ReBo

| The Quectel M95FA GSM/GPRS shield cannot be used with the Arduino Uno without some (easy, but neccessary) hardware modifications.

| This outdoor thermometer in a waterproof case uses Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 (BLE) to communicate with a modern touch-screen phone: iPhone 4S...

| Philips has introduced a line of online addressable LED light bulbs dubbed Hue that users can control from any iOS or Android device, includ...

| Once again our workshop project is a true blue recycling project—turning an old telephone router and a wireless front door bell into a wiref...

| When the ISM frequency band was made available in Europe for audio applications, Circuit Design, a manufacturer of professional RF modules,...

| Here is a very simple, inexpensive and interesting project which provides lot of fun to a home experimenter or hobbyist. This simple transmi...

| 0 4 WIRELESS HEADPHONES (TRANSMITTER) A circuit for the transmission, with good quality, of the sound output of a TV re- ceiver over a coupl...

| To arrive at a suitable headphone re- ceiver that meets the requirements of being light, battery-powered, and offer- ing good-quality reprod...

| To dispel any misgivings you may have had, we would like to start by emphasizing that the design published here has little in common with th...