All items tagged with Portable and Radio (6)


| Deleted Project!!No interest & other's are saying that they have a better way, so I will see what projects that they can design and offe...

| Not long after WW2 Philips, a leading tube manufacturer in the Netherlands, iin their famous Natuurkundig Laboratorium (‘NatLab’, in English...

| This transceiver was designed in response to a need for a simple, easy to build, self-contained radio for use through the loeal 23-em (...

| The 2-metre band has been popular tor three decades and Ionger tor short, medium-range and mobile communication between radio amateurs,...

| The performance of the average portable radio (not including the tiny plastic one and the huge ghetto blaster) is usually quite adequate f...

| Most small portable radios require a 3 V supply normally provided by two size AA or AAA batteries. Since rechargeable batteries are an op...