All items tagged with Power and Elektor Energy (111)

| The economic crisis in Europe is having a far-reaching impact on the electricity market. The collapse of economic growth combined with the g...

| Italian policies to stimulate power production have been a success in the sense that solar power capacity has exploded, but they have also l...

| In our Green Energy world many electronic designs are driven by requirements for reduced size, improved scalability, intelligent functionali...

| Although newly discovered gas reserves off Cyprus are currently driving the Greek and Turkish Cypriot communities further apart, they could...

| Notwithstanding the economic crisis affecting most of the globe’s major economies, wind energy continues to gain supporters around the world...

| The incident at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant—the result of a devastating earthquake and subsequent tsunami on March 11, 2011—ha...

| Governments all over the globe using nuclear power should rethink their choices after the meltdown at Fukushima in Japan last year. Accordin...

| German energy policy is increasingly being dominated by a diverse and growing group of renewable energy supporters, who enjoy broad politica...

| As far as the UK Government is concerned, the battle over onshore wind power is won. Wind farm capacity has been growing rapidly both on and...

| This report is aimed at examining the potential of nuclear energy to meet California’s electricity demand in the year 2050. The main focus o...