All items tagged with Power and Review (10)

| A heavy-duty benchtop power supply from Joy-iT uses switched-mode digital regulation to provide a DC output supply in a range from 0-60 V a...

| It’s well known that electronics engineers never have enough power supplies. I’m no exception to this rule, as you can see from a photo of t...

| The sudden death of my faithful lab power supply offered a good opportunity to try out the affordable PeakTech PSU 6225 A which has similar...

| The Chinese company Seeed Studio offers a lot of interesting things for electronics enthusiasts. Along with selling products from various ma...

| Using the small power supply module DPS5005 from JOY-iT, a programmable laboratory power supply can be put together. The module can (at the...

| If only we could say that "No StromPi 3 was harmed during the making of this review“ we would be happy, but unfortunately it didn't work out...

| After a little delay the Raspberry Pi Foundation released the Power over Ethernet HAT for the Raspberry Pi 3B+ model. This can provide up to...

| Using the PiJuice from PiSupply you can use your Raspberry Pi without a mains power adapter. Or for a while anyway. It has been designed as...

| Hexiwear is a wearable development kit for the Internet of Things era. A small and sleek, low-power device packed with sensors to quantify y...

| Buy a power supply today and it doesn’t look much different from any other piece of test gear; covered in buttons with a TFT display and the...