STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with preamp and guitar (5)

| Depending on its design an electric guitar may have anything from one to six pickup elements. Classic (acoustic) guitars could also benefit...

| In September 2010 we published a digital multi-effects unit. This circuit can only be used with line level signals, such as those used by ke...

| Tubes (thermionic valves) have never departed from the amplified instrument scene and the majority of guitarists, including very young ones,...

| // the ratio of R2 + R3 + P1 to R3 + P1. The input impedance, which, at 1 M, is quite high, is de- fined by R1 as the op-amp has FET inputs....

| 5-32 - elektor may 1982 the Elektor Artist flii iÃÇI a versatile electric guitar preamplifier This preamplifier is a companion to the 100 W...