STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with preamp and phono (16)

| Vinyl is back with a vengeance among hi-fi enthusiasts. The sound of vinyl records is something very special and cannot be compared to the s...

| Vinyl is back with a vengeance among hi-fi enthusiasts. The sound of vinyl records is something very special and cannot be compared to the s...


| More than 2^5 years ago a circuit was published called SUPRA, a "superrauscharmer" MC/MM-Vorverstärker" for record players. The low noise be...

| More than 2^5 years ago a circuit was published called SUPRA, a "superrauscharmer" MC/MM-Vorverstärker" for record players. The low noise be...

| Fresh off the press and now on sale in the Elektor Store, Linear Audio 9 is the tenth volume in a series of bookzines dedicated to audio tec...

| Linear Audio Publishers of Hoensbroek, The Netherlands, have announced the publication of the second edition of their bi-annual tech audio &...

| Linear Audio Volume 4 is the fourth issue in a series of printed bookzines dedicated to technical audio and perception. This issue again off...

| Linear Audio is back with its biannual bookazine dedicated to technical audio and perception. As usual, Linear Audio is crammed with insight...


| Audio lovers, sit up. Besides presenting a truly high end audio control preamplifier for home construction, this article series also aims to...

| Audio lovers, sit up. Besides presenting a truly high end audio control preamplifier for home construction, this article series also aims to...