STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with preamp and Time (5)

| The schematic of our preamplifier is very simple because it uses a very low-noise dual operational amplifier. Here the NE5532 is used, whose...

| The scanner is an extension for the 'AlI-solid-state preamplifier' published tn the December 1989 / January 1990 issues of this magazine....

| After the several 'spartan' preamplifiers we have published over the past few years, we feeI the time has co me to ofter our readers a mor...

| The all-solid-stäte preamplifier we published some months ago is controlled entirely electronically, including the switching of the input...

| The idea presented here concerns the combination of digital and analogue techniques to produce an intelligent preamplifier with integral t...