STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about pressure (33)

| Michael Horne’s innovative DIY project is a portable, battery-powered temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor using a Raspberry Pi Pico W...

| Würth Elektronik has introduced a MEMS absolute pressure sensor just 2 x 2 x 0.8 mm in size to cover the 26 to 126 kPa range.

| Don’t let the wide range of available low-pressure sensors be intimidating. Because of the range, there will likely be a sensor, or combinat...

| The development of technical products and systems is becoming increasingly complex. Companies wantin to develop innovative technical systems...

| Sensirion, the world's leading manufacturer of high-quality environmental and flow sensors, presents new product variants of the SDP800 diff...

| Researchers at the University of Connecticut (USA) have developed a biodegradable pressure sensor made of medically safe materials that diss...

| At the CES, Bosch Sensortec unveiled the BMP380 barometric pressure sensor, the smallest and most accurate pressure sensor in their portfoli...

| BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2016 announced that Turkmenistan’s gas output increased by 4.5 % to 72.4 billion cubic meters (bcm) in...

| In the UK politicians are becoming excited over the prospects for shale development, anticipating lower energy prices, improved energy secur...

| Some of you may have heard of modems to enable a PC to “go online” to access BBSs in the dim past, but always with cable connections to the...