STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about privacy (103)

| electronica fast forward, the start-up platform powered by Elektor is a worldwide start-up competition. By submitting the application form,...

| It’s 23:00. Do you know where your email is? Chances are it’s on someone else’s computer, or distributed on several servers in the cloud. He...

| This is a submission from Lattice Semiconductor on the first FPGA developed on its new Lattice Nexus™ FPGA platform, CrossLink-NX™. This new...

| KPN and QuTech have recently signed a joint venture agreement, directed towards the realisation of the quantum internet. KPN supplies the in...

| Devices that are connected to the internet, such as self-driving cars and intelligent thermostats, pose an increasing threat to our privacy...

| The evolution in radar technology, combined with the advancement of chip technology, has resulted in radar being increasingly utilised in sm...

| Language assistants like Alexa, Google Home or Siri are now commonplace. However, the actual recognition of the spoken words is not done loc...

| The administration of drugs in tablet or capsule form has continued pretty much the same for over a 100 years. This could, however, change q...

| Google has, with Coral, launched a new platform of hardware and software tools that lets you develop neural networks locally and without usi...

| electronica fast forward, the start-up platform powered by Elektor is a worldwide start-up competition. By submitting the application form,...