| A group of engineers are crowdfunding a Raspberry Pi based DroneShield kit that detects the presence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). ...
| A group of engineers are crowdfunding a Raspberry Pi based DroneShield kit that detects the presence of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). ...
| The annual report of the Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) signals that the Dutch government increasingly breaks its own privacy laws....
| Consumer grade EEG-scanners used in mind-controlled games can be turned against their user to extract private information, research shows....
| Privacy enhancing tools have a bad reputation when it comes to usability. Nathan Freitas of The Guardian Project demonstrated easy to use ap...
| This article first appeared in the December issue of Elektor. The Internet of Things (IoT) is the merger of the physical and the digital wo...
| The massive introduction of smart meters and smart grids in Europe in the coming years could lead to a thorough shake-up of the traditional...
| Today the first of a series of votes on ACTA –The Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement- took place in the European Parliament. Three committe...
| When you put a music producer, a lawyer, an ISP representative and a game developer in a panel and ask them to discuss ACTA –the Anti-Counte...
| The web browser extension Privly enables you to use social networks like Facebook, Gmail and Twitter anonymously. Privly is a new standard...
| In the wake of the internet strike against SOPA and PIPA politicians were tumbling all over each other to speak out against the proposed ant...