More about Programming (179)

| The Parallax Boe-Bot, or Board of Education Robot is a simple robot made from a Parallax Board of Education (BoE) mounted on an aluminium fr...

| Having built the board and successfully run the first communication tests, you are ready to start programming the 537 core system. In doing...

| This month we explore how the BoEBot vehicle can be made to respond to commands received from an infra-red remote control.How many remote co...

| MICROPROCESSORS BASIC Stamp programming course (4) Part 4: Obstacle Alley If you drive an automobile, you Vin know the practical application...

| In this instalment we’ll introduce BASIC Stamp branching and EEPROM access commands used to make your BOE-Bot follow a pre-determined...

| The robot chassis needs to accommodate two servos for drivetrain, a battery pack, and have a prototype development area (the Board of Edu...

| Higher programming language or assembly code? Because of market developments and ever-shortening design cycles, today’s software developer...

| Many computers and microcontrollers are programmed in hexadecimal, which represents numerical values using the numerals 0 through 9 plus t...

| This is the first of a series of articles discussing the assembly of a simple robot, called BoE-Bot, we’ll use to learn introductory p...

| In this second instalment of the series we present the PICKALOCK programming adaptor, which acts as the link between the programming s...