More about Programming (179)

| The Swift programming language — well established on Apple devices — can now be also used on an MCU. We will have a look at the SwiftIO boar...

| Python is more and more coming to replace C as the programming language of choice, and this trend can now also be seen in the world of micro...

| Maria browsed the Elektor library once again and this time came up with a book about C programming on the Raspberry Pi. If you don’t know Py...

| You can use the Swift programming language — well established on Apple devices — on an MCU.

| Python is more and more coming to replace C as the programming language of choice, and this trend can now also be seen in the world of micro...

| Want to write your own high-performance object-oriented programs (OPP)? First, you must familiarize yourself with the advantages of OOP over...

| With some single-file Java demo applications under our belts, it is time to go a little deeper. Let's construct a full application with mult...

| Java is suitable for developing code for modern computing platforms such as the Raspberry Pi. Let's examines how Java can control and read G...

| The Artemis module is the world's first open-source hardware RF module enabling both voice recognition and BLE. A surprising amount of p...

| Our series about the Parallax Propeller 2 continues! This time, we consider some issues that you might encounter when sending strings with t...