STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Protocol (5)

| Interested in learning about serial, I²C, and SPI? Join Elektor on April 20, 2023 (4 PM Berlin) for a free webinar about the most popular co...

| MicroClock have available 28-pin a generator IC Type ICS525, also called OSCaR (acronym for oscillator replacement), which may be used to...

| The first two parts of this article dealt with the history, standardization, basic setup, and data transmission protocol of the Control...

| The sensor/monitor shown in the diagram ‘wakes up’ the host system on detection of infra-red (IR) signals. It draws so little supply curre...

| Before the computer age, it required quite a number of assistants to control the stage lighting in a theatre. Today, however, even here...