STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Prototyping board (16)

| Peter Evans is a London-based engineer and Elektor reader interested in analog technology, electronics repair, and working with Arduino and...

| For decades we have been talking about “printed circuits” without any of us ever actually printing any circuit. Now a time has come when har...

| Many electronics enthusiasts use stripboard to build small circuits and prototypes. Unfortunately, most PCB layout programs do not provide m...

| The ELPB-NG measures 87.6 x 54.6 mm (3.45 x 2.15”), which is about the size of a cigarette pack, i.e. perfect for a 40-pin DIP package. Too...

| All of today’s ubiquitous perforated prototyping boards (a.k.a. stripboards; veroboards) have one thing in common: they are outdated. TTL h...

| This article presents a prototyping board which can be used to make building your own interfaces and circuits for the Raspberry Pi easier.

by Lucky

| The RPi Prototyping Board is a simple board, designed to break-out the expansion signals from the Raspberry Pi board and provide additional...

| These handy boards are still available in the Elektor Shop under the name ‘Elex’ (Elex-1, Elex-2 and Elex-4 for single, dual and quad versio...

| The Propeller chip made by Parallax Inc. is a bit of a strange animal in the world of microcontrollers. This IC consists of eight 32-bit pro...

| This prototyping board provides an environment for the FPGA module that enables it to do something useful. That gives you an opportunity to...