STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with Radio and Battery (7)

| Having digested Elektor’s Nixie Bargraph Thermometer article [1] one reader based in the American Midwest kindly advised that temperatures i...

| A wireless communication device without a dedicated power source has emerged from the Networks and Wireless lab of the University of Washing...

| Valve circuits and radios in particular are graced by vast crowds of enthusiasts. If you want to keep your prize vintage radio as authentic...

| The monitor is a handy aid in cam and is particularlv suitable for radio amateurs who power their equipment from a car battery.

| Letters from our readers.

| The power that can be obtained from a standard car radio amplifier operating from a 12 V car battery is 5-6 W, which (for many listeners)...

| The timer, based on EXAR'S Type XR2240, is intended for use in photographie and printed-circuit departments, as a standby switch for 1 V...