All items tagged with Radio and Switch (8)

| A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats. Unfortunately, there are often...

| Since midnight on 31st December 2015. Radio France programs are no longer broadcast on the Medium Wave band. Services concerned are France...

| This add-on to your model radio control converts one proportional channel to give five ON/OFF channels. Still not excited? Take a look at th...

| A proportional radio control is ideal for controlling the speed and direction of model cars, planes or boats. Unfortunately, there are often...

| The wide availability of low-cost switched mains sockets with radio remote control provides a simple way to control electrical equipment, li...

| The timer, based on EXAR'S Type XR2240, is intended for use in photographie and printed-circuit departments, as a standby switch for 1 V...

| switching R/C channels elektor january 1985 G. Seegers switching R/C channels seven on/off switches for radio control, operated by a single...

| switching channel for radio control elektor june 1983 switching channel for radio control The proportional radio control systems which are a...