| At this stage of the (pastry) game, in this series we have looked at a lot of digital signals, GPIO, Serial UART, SPI and I2C, as well as s...
| At this stage of the (pastry) game, in this series we have looked at a lot of digital signals, GPIO, Serial UART, SPI and I2C, as well as s...
| Mit einem AD-Wandler und einigen Bauelementen auf einer kleinen Platine wird der Raspberry Pi zu einem Voltmeter mit einer farbigen Anzeige....
| Mit einem AD-Wandler und einigen Bauelementen auf einer kleinen Platine wird der Raspberry Pi zu einem Voltmeter mit einer farbigen Anzeige....
| A wobbulator (or sweep generator) is a piece of test equipment which is used in conjunction with an Oscilloscope to measure the frequency re...
| A wobbulator (or sweep generator) is a piece of test equipment which is used in conjunction with an Oscilloscope to measure the frequency re...
| Who realizes this little project gets a device with the following functions:• Displaying the current refrigerator temperature• Monitoring th...
| Who realizes this little project gets a device with the following functions:• Displaying the current refrigerator temperature• Monitoring th...
| A much simpler way than the the Raspi's Pin Header for connection is USB. Connect an Atmel AVR-USB Controller with your Raspi. This is s...
| Previously we published details of a relay board that can be connected to the Elektor Linux board, the Raspberry Pi, and other microcontroll...
| So far in our Elektor.POST projects we have looked at mainly digital signals such as GPIO, Serial UART, SPI and I2C of the Raspberry Pi’s...