STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about real-time (40)

| This is a submission from Microchip on its next generation AVR® DA family of microcontrollers (MCUs) – its first Functional Safety Ready AVR...

| This is a submission from Keysight Technologies on new electronic warfare (EW) threat simulation solutions, including software and hardware,...

| Microchip, via its Microsemi Corporation subsidiary, announces an extension to its Mi-V ecosystem by unveiling the architecture for a new cl...

| Real-time networking of Industry 4.0 factories

| TMC8461 and TMC8462 are the first EtherCAT slave controllers with high voltage I/O and integrated real-time motor control peripherals.

| Congatec has introduced two new Server-on-Modules which have been especially designed for real-time media processing. The new conga-TS170 Se...

| The TenAsys INtime real-time operating system allows embedded system developers to run multiple instances of the OS alongside Windows on the...

| Teledyne LeCroy has demonstrated the world's first 100 GHz real-time oscilloscope by successfully acquiring and displaying live signals...

| Rohde & Schwarz have developed what is claimed to be the industry's only digital oscilloscopes that offer real-time digital triggering....

| The compact and low-cost Elektor Embedded Linux board has been available to buy for around a year and a half now. Along with its accompanyin...