STM32N6 Webinar (728x90)

All items tagged with regulator and Linear Technology (15)

| At Elektor we have done several designs of adjustable power supplies based on switching regulators and so we know that doing this properly i...

| Linear Technology has introduced a voltage supply regulator chip that includes an interface to take care of charging, balancing and monitori...

| Most new voltage regulator chips are based on some variant of the digital switch-mode design which offers better efficiency compared with th...

| The LTM8056 from Linear Technology is a 58 VIN, buck-boost μModule® (micromodule) regulator which requires just a few external passive compo...

| Uninterruptable power supplies need a reliable switch over mechanism to ensure the output voltage remains continuous when the main power sou...

| The LTM4625 from Linear Technology is a switching mode μModule (micromodule) regulator in a tiny 6.25 mm × 6.25 mm × 5.01 mm BGA package. Li...

| Linear Technology has squeezed a 3A voltage regulator into a package measuring just 6.25mm square and 1.8 mm high. The complete LTM4623 circ...

| Adding to their ever growing family of power supply regulators Linear Technology have introduced the LTC3807 step-down switching regulator D...

| To add to its growing family of voltage regulator solutions Linear Technology Corporation have announced the LT3061, a high-voltage, low-noi...

| Linear Technology has recently announced an addition to its family of power regulator solutions. The LTC3622 is a dual step-down regulator i...