All items tagged with Review and Arduino (35)

| In the last episode, we configured the ESP32 to set up its own local Wi-Fi network. With a PC, smartphone or tablet, we are able to log into...

| This kit enables the rapid development of applications for fun, sound, useful or just pleasing. With conductive ink and other conductors of...

| The FreeSoC2 PSoC® 5LP Dev Board uses Cypress ARM processors and built-in configurable hardware to make a versatile system that can be used...

| The Pretzel board is a really useful tool especially when you are starting out with networks. Now however it was time to try out a different...

| Described in the January & February 2017 edition of Elektor, the Sand Clock project, unique for its mechanical design, is all the better for...

| Rapid prototyping has been the craze for the last five, six years or so. Hundreds, maybe thousands of open source, open hardware platforms h...

| We may have equal rights, but not the means to use them! If we want our children or friends to the same satisfaction in electronics as we d...

| The “Flip & click” from MikroElektronika is an Arduino Due with Arduino Uno R3 compatible shield connectors on one side and four mikroBus sl...

| The SDR shield for Arduino published in the July/August issue of Elektor magazine is a complete universal radio receiver, suitable for liste...

| Arduino is the electronic Swiss Army knife of simple and creative programming. There remains the question of parts, soldering, wires…. that...